Commercial Fire Alarm Systems


Vesda Advanced Smoke Detection Contractor – OnDuty Systems, LP!

Vesda Laser Smoke Detection System

OnDuty Systems, LP Commercial Fire Systems Department

Vesda Smoke Detection systems by OnDuty systems

VESDA (Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus) is a laser based smoke detection system. The name VESDA has become a generic name for most air sampling applications.

“Our latest installation of the Vesda System was for the Houston Zoo in a critical environment.  We are excited to be certified and authorized as a Houston contractor for this new fire detection technology”, says Greg Martin, OnDuty System’s general manager.

An aspirating smoke detector (ASD) is a system used in active fire protection, consisting of a central detection unit which draws air through a network of pipes to detect smoke.

The sampling chamber detects the presence of smoke particles suspended in air by detecting the light scattered by them in a chamber using laser light.   ASDs can typically detect smoke before it is visible to the naked eye.

In most cases aspirating smoke detectors require a fan unit to draw in a sample of air from the protected area through its network of pipes.

Please call us today for more information or to provide a bid for your commercial project. 713-378-7500

OnDuty Systems provides Commercial Fire Alarm Systems for Houston, Texas

OnDuty Fire Alarm Systems

onduty-logo-master-smOnDuty provides commercial fire alarm systems for the Greater Houston area.

Commercial Fire detection is paramount to the protection of lives in a commercial, industrial and manufacturing environment.

OnDuty systems provides the latest, state-of-the-art fire detection equipment for every type of commercial application.

Call us today for a quote for your system.  713-378-7500